In Ethiopia, “Die or Be Raped”

The Only Choice for Thousands of Women During the Occupation of the Rebel Province of Tigray

Burkina Faso

L'ABGDL/TAPOA Lance un Appel pour l'Action contre les Violences Basées sur le Genre dans la Province de la Tapoa

Asia Funding Window 2 is open: Development (USD 13,000 – USD 47000)

Call for applications for Window Two in Asia are open!

Empower. Elevate. Advocate.

Welcome to Feminist Opportunities Now (FON), a powerful initiative dedicated to empowering feminist movements across the globe.

We are committed to eradicating Gender-Based Violence, advocating for gender equality, and driving lasting change.

Explore our work in building resilience, fostering inclusivity, and amplifying the strength of feminist organizations. Join us in this transformative journey.

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Project Highlights




We are the result of more than two decades of community work in the areas most affected by vulnerability, namely the outskirts of Ciudad Juárez.

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Putamente Poderosas (Bitchly Powerful)


Putamente Poderosas (Bitchly Powerful)

"Poderosamente Poderosas" is a social organization that defends the human rights of women and diverse sexual and gender identities in situations of...

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Empowering Change through Feminist Approaches


Empowering Change through Feminist Approaches

In October 2023, CREA marked a significant milestone by initiating FON inaugural capacity-sharing program with Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) from Sri Lanka.

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An unbreakable movement for gender justice

Imagine a world where feminist organizations thrive, their voices echoing loud and clear. A world where flexible funding fuels their fire, allowing them to adapt and overcome obstacles. Where diversity is celebrated, and a vibrant network connects sisters across borders, sharing strategies and amplifying each other.

This is the future we fund.


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    Capacity Strengthened CSOs
