Our goal is to strengthen the technical and organisational capacities of feminist organisations and movements with the aim to improve their resilience.

FON’s approach to capacity strengthening is an inclusive one on the basis of the individualized priority needs of Civil Society Organizations in the global south.

FON encourages CSOs to conduct a self-assessment of capacities, to identify the areas where they require strengthening and to co-build an individualized action plan that will be the base of the support FON provides them with.

This is done with the grantee partners that receive FON funding. However, other feminist CSOs that work in the field of GBV in one of the 10 countries of the Project can also request this support.

The types of support that FON can provide are very varied. Here is a non-exhaustive list:

  • Feminist Project Design
  • Financial management
  • Human Resources
  • Monitoring, evaluation and learning
  • Advocacy

Capacity strengthening will be done in multiple ways. It can be done via a training, study visits, project incubation, coaching and mentoring, etc. FON promotes a horizontal approach where the different feminist CSOs that are part to of the Project support each other as much as possible. Only when the required capacities cannot be found among the partners, will external service providers be intervening and training the CSOs. Reach out to us for more info.
