Empowering Change through Feminist Approaches


In October 2023, CREA marked a significant milestone by initiating FON inaugural capacity-sharing program with Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) from Sri Lanka. The training program, titled ‘Feminist Approaches to Project Design,’ represents a transformative step towards fostering awareness and challenging gender biases, power imbalances, and social injustices inherent in conventional project design processes.


Embracing a feminist lens, participants engaged in interactive sessions, group activities, case studies, and discussions aimed at providing practical insights into the seamless integration of feminist principles into project design. This approach equipped CSOs with the skills to develop projects that are not only more equitable and inclusive but also more effective in addressing the diverse needs of communities and advancing gender equality.


This forward-looking endeavor underscores FONs commitment to promoting a more inclusive and equitable world through capacity-sharing initiatives that transcend borders. We look forward to witnessing the transformative impact of these feminist approaches as participants take them forward in their advocacy and project design endeavors.


Stay tuned for updates on this empowering journey of knowledge exchange and positive transformation!