Exploring Feminist Approaches to Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL)

By: Saeda Bani

On August 19 and 20, 2024, the CREA-FON team hosted a dialogue session focused on feminist Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) approaches for Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. This session aimed to explore how feminist principles can be integrated into MEL practices to create more participatory, innovative, and non-extractive methods of assessment and learning.

The discussion highlighted the importance of using feminist and participatory approaches in MEL to ensure that evaluations are inclusive and reflect the diverse experiences and needs of all stakeholders. The dialogue provided an opportunity for participants to collectively examine traditional MEL principles and practices through a feminist lens, fostering a deeper understanding of how these approaches can be adapted and applied in different organizational contexts.

The initial sessions were conducted online, marking the beginning of a series of dialogues that will lead up to in-person training sessions. These upcoming dialogues will build upon the themes and insights generated during the August sessions, allowing for a more in-depth exploration of feminist MEL approaches. The dialogues were facilitated by the CREA internal resource team, which guided participants through various concepts and encouraged active engagement and co-creation of knowledge.

Pahani, a participant from Sri Lanka, shared her thoughts:

After today’s session, I realized that Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) can be utilized for different purposes based on the organization’s context and goals. Moreover, I’ve gained valuable insight into real-world examples of MEL applications, effectively demonstrating its practical implementation and impact across diverse settings.

Pahani expressed a desire to explore specific tools and gain hands-on experience through real-life examples in future discussions. She is particularly interested in understanding how feminist MEL processes can be implemented and assessed during and after a project’s completion, highlighting the need for case studies that demonstrate these practices in action.

As the CREA-FON team continues to develop these dialogues, there is a strong commitment to creating spaces that foster learning, reflection, and the co-creation of knowledge around feminist approaches to MEL. By integrating feminist principles into MEL practices, CSOs can enhance their evaluation processes and ensure that their work is inclusive, equitable, and responsive to the needs of all communities.

Through workshops like this, FON reaffirms its dedication to eradicating gender-based violence (GBV) worldwide. By promoting feminist approaches in all aspects of its work, FON aims to empower CSOs, challenge harmful norms, and create safer environments for all individuals, regardless of gender.


Want to reach out to the CREA-FON team, reach out to saedabilkis.bani@creaworld.org
