Ecole-Parrainage et Actions de Développement (EPAD) NIGER

  • Duration

    12 Months

  • Window

    Window 2

Ecole-Parrainage et Actions de Développement, also known as EPAD-NIGER seeks to promote quality education for people in Niger, advocate for basic social services, provide socio-professional training for young people, promote and protect human rights focusing on children and women, fight discrimination, empower vulnerable individuals socio-economically, promote better local governance through capacity building for various stakeholders, foster youth civic engagement and citizenship through digital activism, and advocate for the inclusion of children’s, youth’s, and women’s rights in the development of plans and programs of public authorities.


EPAD is a member of the Coalition of Nigerien Organizations for Children’s Rights (CONIDE Niger), the Union of West African Coalitions for Children (UCOA POUR L’ENFANCE), and the Network of Democratic Solidarity in West Africa (WADEMOS), among others.
