
  • Duration

    6 Months

  • Window

    Window 1

Jinsiangu focuses its work on Intersex, Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Individuals. Jinsiangu seeks to ensure that the lives and wellbeing of ITGNC persons are enhanced through the establishment of safe spaces, through advocacy and research, through the provision of information, health services, and psycho-social support, and by fostering opportunities for holistic empowerment. It is probably the FON-supported organisation in Kenya that is the strongest in terms of advocacy. FON (through our partner FIDH – Federation international des droits de l’Homme), supported Jinsiangu to attend the AU advocacy training in Arusha Tanzania last month and FON has also nominated them for CSW68, next year, because their advocacy plans include participation in this event. Website: https://jinsiangu.org/
