Introducing the #LaIgualdadEs Campaign: Highlighting the Pursuit of Equality in Latin America

By: Andrés Orozco

The #LaIgualdadEs (#EqualityIs, in english) campaign highlights the work of feminist Civil Society Organizations supported by the FON Project in Mexico and Colombia, showcasing their efforts and actions in the pursuit of equality.

The FON Project in Latin America, through Médicos del Mundo France and its Missions in Mexico and Colombia, is launching its second campaign of the year, aimed at raising awareness and positioning gender equality as an essential tool for eradicating all forms of gender-based violence, through the narration of real stories and the creation of multimedia content.

Welcome to “Uncomfortable Stories”!

Under the theme “Uncomfortable Stories,” the campaign will candidly and directly address the realities and challenges that women in all their diversity face in combating and preventing gender-based violence. Some of the topics to be covered include gender-based violence, the importance of funding and sustaining women-led projects, and the defence of territorial rights and sustainable development. This initiative seeks to provoke deep and honest reflection on the barriers that impede gender equality and the urgency of real change to achieve this equality in society.

The campaign draws inspiration from retro styles like Pop Art and Punk aesthetics, using vibrant colors to highlight the everyday in a colorful and engaging way, emphasizing the core message: challenging the current barriers in the fight to eradicate gender-based violence and build gender equality.

The campaign content will be in real-time and in Storytime format. Platforms like TikTok and YouTube will be used to narrate experiences and stories directly. The campaign will primarily generate short, vertical video content, including interviews, testimonials, and stories from women in all their diversity who share their experiences of vulnerability and the key challenges in combating these violences.

Solutions-Oriented Communication Approach

It is important to emphasize that the communicative actions of this campaign are built from a solutions-oriented communication approach, which seeks to not only tell the problems and difficulties faced by organizations but also to reframe and highlight their positive actions that provide solutions to the issues they encounter.

This campaign will run until November and will serve as a space for conversation between organizations and civil society on the importance of achieving equality. It will feature a content log on TikTok, YouTube, and the main communication channels of Médicos del Mundo Missions in Mexico and Colombia.

Follow the campaign on our TikTok page @LaIgualdadEs and on the social media of Médicos del Mundo in Mexico: FB – @MdMFranciaMexico

Campaign tag: #LaIgualdadEs


The FON Project is supported by the French Development Agency – AFD and is part of a consortium of 5 international organizations that implement the project globally in Latin America, Africa, and Asia.

