Quarterly Progress Review Highlights: CREA and FON Grantee Partners

By: Saeda Bani


In June and July 2024, the CREA team conducted quarterly progress review meetings with grantee partners: Equite SL, Stand Up Movement (SUM), and Prerona. These discussions provided valuable insights into the ongoing efforts and future directions of each organization.

Equite SL’s Strategic Focus

Equite SL emphasized the critical need for community engagement, leadership training, and the development of inclusive programs. A notable proposal from the meetings was the cultivation of master trainers within the police force, coupled with initiatives to empower youth leadership. These measures are expected to address rising community expectations and support regional expansion. Securing adequate funding will be essential in navigating these evolving demands over the next two years.

Stand Up Movement’s Challenges and Needs

Stand Up Movement, which operates as a rights-based organization within a challenging context and focuses on factory workers, highlighted the need for additional resources and training. This is crucial for addressing issues related to Gender, Sexuality, and Gender-Based Violence (GBV). Furthermore, SUM identified the development of a robust safety and security strategy as a key requirement for their ongoing operations.

Prerona’s Organizational Growth and Impact

Prerona is concentrating on enhancing team coordination, resource pooling, strategic development, and financial stability. The organization’s collaboration with over 100 volunteers offers opportunities for community-based innovation and program expansion. Notably, Prerona’s initiatives have led to a gradual reduction in child marriage in the regions they serve. Their diverse group of women engaged in income-generating activities includes single mothers, widows, and survivors of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV).

The FON project reiterates its commitment to strengthening the capacity of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. The aim is to advance social justice, promote gender equality, and work towards the eradication of GBV.
