May 22, 2024

Sri Lanka: The Evolution of Delete Nothing

By: Maas Misha’ari Weerabangsa, Delete Nothing

In the last six months, Delete Nothing has embarked on a significant transformation. Central to this change is the formation of the Delete Nothing Advisory Group, a collective of experts guiding the organization towards greater structure and impact. This new chapter is set to strengthen their mission and amplify their reach.


In the past six months, Delete Nothing has experienced a transformative change that is setting the stage for a brighter, more structured future. The most impactful development has been the creation of the Delete Nothing Advisory Group, a body of five experts in women’s rights and feminism, LGBTQ+ rights, digital justice and digital rights, labor rights and economic justice, and civil and political rights.

Delete Nothing began as an unregistered initiative, co-led by passionate Co-Creators working on a voluntary, part-time basis. Decisions were made through consensus, which worked well for a small grassroots movement. However, as Delete Nothing grew in size and scope, attracting more funding and transitioning to full-time staff, the need for formal organizational policies and procedures became evident.

The turning point came in November 2023 when our fiscal sponsorship agreement with Hashtag Generation ended. As we established a new sponsorship with Women and Media Collective, both they and our Co-Creators recommended implementing a formal oversight and accountability process. After a series of mediated discussions, the decision was made to form the Delete Nothing Advisory Group.

This Advisory Group, an external body, was designed to provide guidance and feedback to our Co-Leads. It marks the beginning of a longer-term process to build robust infrastructure within Delete Nothing. The Advisory Group’s role is to offer strategic guidance and technical advice on governance, administration, and programmatic functions, ensuring accountability and managing conflicts.

The inaugural meeting of the Advisory Group took place on April 3, 2024. During this meeting, the group reviewed Delete Nothing’s planned activities and budget for the year, offering valuable feedback and suggestions. Their insights are crucial as we navigate our expanding mission. The next meeting is scheduled for August 2024, where we will continue to refine our strategies and initiatives.

As we move forward, this Advisory Group will serve as a pilot for future iterations, providing ongoing support to the Co-Leads. Their expert advice on organizational management and programming will be instrumental in helping us develop long-term goals and projects. The inaugural term of the Advisory Group concludes in April 2025, with members eligible for reappointment for an additional year, ensuring continuity and cohesion alongside new perspectives.

Looking ahead, as Delete Nothing aspires to register as an NGO or non-profit, the Advisory Group will be an invaluable resource. Their formal oversight will help ensure our operations run smoothly and effectively, guiding us towards a sustainable and impactful future.
