August 5, 2024

The Role of the FON RCAC in Empowering Feminist Movements in Africa: A Recap of the 2nd RCAC Meeting

By: Hilmelda Tenkeu

From July 1st to 4th, Assinie, Cote d'Ivoire hosted a pivotal meeting of the FON Regional Coordination & Advisory Committee (RCAC), marking a significant step in advancing gender-based violence (GBV) initiatives in Africa. This meeting was part of the Feminist Opportunities Now (FON) project, spearheaded by the International Planned Parenthood Federation Africa Region (IPPFAR) alongside partners CREA, Empow’Her, the International Federation on Human Rights, and Médecins du Monde France (MdM-FR), with funding from the Agence Francaise de Development (AFD).


Overview of the Feminist Opportunities Now (FON) Project

FON aims to fortify feminist movements by providing sub-grants to feminist organizations, particularly focusing on small, including non-registered groups. This initiative spans ten countries across three continents, with IPPFAR leading efforts in Africa: Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Kenya, and Niger. The project’s core objective is to contribute to gender equality as well as prevent and combat gender-based violence by bolstering the capacities of these grassroots organizations.

Role of the Africa Regional Coordination & Advisory Committee (RCAC)

The RCAC was established to ensure the project’s success through a well-rounded inclusive and participative governance. Representatives of all 5 consortium partners as well as six external feminist organizations, namely Theatre for a Change, The Athena Network, Safe Abortion Action Fund,  l’Initiative Pananetugri pour le Bien-être de la Femme, Akili Dada, and African Sex Worker Alliance, form the RCAC, bringing their expertise and diverse approaches to the fight against GBV. The RCAC’s primary responsibilities include:

– Identifying potential civil society organizations (CSOs) for funding.

– Reviewing sub-grant applications.

– Advising on the selection of feminist CSOs as potential sub-grantees.

– Supporting regional advocacy and research on GBV.

– Developing capacity-building and networking strategies for sub-grantees.

RCAC members, the FON team and representatives from FON-funded CSOs in Cote d’Ivoire, discussing advocacy initiatives

Key Objectives and Outcomes of the 2nd RCAC Meeting

Finalizing Sub-Grantee Selection

The Assinie meeting aimed to gather RCAC members to finalize decisions on the second cohort of Window 2 sub-grantees and their grant amounts. This cohort will consist of organizations that demonstrate sustainability, effective internal governance mechanisms, and adherence to feminist principles and practices.

Representatives from Window 2 selected CSOs in Cote d’Ivoire pitching their projects for funding
Strengthening Advocacy Initiatives

Another key objective was to refine advocacy initiatives with current and newly selected sub-grantees. The meeting facilitated discussions on identifying advocacy niches and strategies, ensuring that the initiatives consider the intersectionality of the feminist organizations involved.

Networking and Knowledge Sharing

The meeting provided a platform for RCAC members to meet and collaborate, enhancing the collective knowledge and strategies in the fight against GBV. Members also got acquainted with the first cohort of sub-grantees, fostering a community of shared goals and support.


The RCAC meeting was conducted physically, with 9 out of the 11 members in attendance. Prior to the meeting, the Africa Regional Lead and Programme Officer conducted a preliminary selection of organizations from initial applicants and recommendations. Selected organizations presented pitches, allowing RCAC members to discuss and refine their applications and decide on budget allocations.  Below is the agenda of the 4-days meeting:


DateSessions & Objectives Resources/ Reading Documents
Monday July 1st▪ Figures of subgranting in Africa
▪ Update on activities in Africa
▪ Lessons learnt
▪ Capacity Building Plan
▪ Pitch from preselected organisations from Cote d’Ivoire
▪ Presentations from 1st cohort
▪ Discussions on intersectionality
▪ RCAC deliberations and conclusions on Cote d’Ivoire
▪ Monitoring / Due diligence field visit reports.
▪ Applications from preselected organisations
Tuesday July 2nd▪ Pitch from preselected organisations from Kenya
▪ Presentations from 1st cohort
▪ Discussions on intersectionality
▪ Pitch from preselected organisations from Guinea
▪ RCAC deliberations and conclusions on Kenya
Applications from preselected organisations
Wednesday July 3rd▪ Pitch from preselected organisations from Ethiopia
▪ Presentations from 1st cohort
▪ Discussions on intersectionality
▪ Presentations from 1st cohort from Guinea
▪ Discussions on intersectionality in Guinea
▪ RCAC deliberations and conclusions on Ethiopia and Guinea
Applications from preselected organisations
Thursday July 4th▪ Pitch from preselected organisations from Niger
▪ Presentations from 1st cohort
▪ Discussions on intersectionality
▪ Pitch from preselected organisations from Burkina Faso
▪ Presentations from 1st cohort
▪ Discussions on intersectionality perspectives
▪ RCAC deliberations and conclusions on Niger and Burkina Faso
Applications from preselected organisations

Advocacy Initiatives Presentation

The first cohort of Window 1 and 2 and cohort 2 of Window 3 sub-grantees presented their projects, missions and results so far. This collaborative effort between the RCAC and sub-grantees aimed to explore advocacy niches that reflect the diverse and intersectional nature of the feminist organizations.

CSOs from past cohorts joining online from other countries to discuss advocacy initiatives

The RCAC meeting in Assinie was a crucial step in advancing the goals of the Feminist Opportunities Now project. By finalizing sub-grantee selections, a total of 23 organizations were chosen for direct funding, strengthening advocacy initiatives, and fostering collaboration among feminist organizations. The RCAC is helping to build a robust and sustainable movement against gender-based violence in Africa. This meeting underscored the principles of no competition among feminists and the need for sustainable, impactful initiatives, setting the stage for future success in the region.

Family photo of day 1 with CSO representatives from Cote d’Ivoire

